Friday, September 20, 2013

South of Guadalajara at Chapala

Finally got out of Mazatlan today and made it Just South of Guadalajara on a huge lake at a place called San Juan Cosalia.

So now we know the difference between toll roads and free roads in Mexico.  The toll roads are way better but it is a pain in the butt stopping every half hour for another $20 worth of tolls.  Even the toll roads have their issues though, with lots of pot holes, sharp curves and Topes (man made bumps to slow you down).  I still have not really figured out the speed limits.  In most areas the speed limits don't seem to matter to anyone, policía included. We go what we are comfortable with and get passed quite a bit, but I would rather be slow and get there than speed blindly just to keep up.

We stopped for lunch at a road side bus stop and restaurant.  The food was pretty good (well ok, only I thought so) and the ambiance was terrific (sarcasm intended).

From there we took off toward Guadalajara (Mexico's 2nd largest city).  The scenery changed from desert to jungle almost as soon as we left Mazatlan.  It is very pretty in this part of Mexico.  We also got fairly wet in a short period of time.  The clouds ahead looked like rain but only pockets of it.  We stopped to discuss it and Karen put on rain pants.  Jada and I decided to risk getting wet.  We should have listened to Karen.  We were only in rain for about 10 minutes, but it was enough to soak our jeans.  But after 1/2 hour out of the rain, I was dry again.  Although Karen hit a huge puddle that soaked her totally (even into her face mask!), so even though she tried to stay dry, it did not really work.  It was also great to travel when it was not so hot (it was around 25C).

Last night we walked to find a restaurant that was open and couldn't in this sleepy little lake town.  So we should get an award for best parents tonight (we bought chips, beer and pop for supper. Yum!).  Karen and I went on my bike into the town about 1/2 km down the road and we were surprised by how  families were out walking around.  It really felt like a cool community.

Well, time to hit the 5 pools, 6 water slides and 12 hot pools at this resort.  It is in an area with hot springs like Banff, just not as costly or as fancy.

Hasta Luego,

The route yesterday.

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