Saturday, September 14, 2013

Ciduadad Constitucion

We are in a farming community near the tip of the Baja Peninsula. Hit 43C today by 1:00 so we stopped early.

This place reminds me of Wadena (where I grew up). It is a little bigger and they grow fruit and corn not wheat and canola, but the feel is the same. I went to the grocery store for water and fruit and I could even pick up some of the conversations of the locals. Friendly exchanges and quick smiles. 

There is not much to do here and no WiFi so the kids are bored. 

Great ride from Santa Rosalia this morning. Cool area. No pictures because I have limited bandwidth. We will post them from Cabo San Lucas tomorrow. 

Have a great night everyone,

Okay......finally adding some photos from the last time.

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