Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Elma Washington

So after 2 days of waiting in Mount Vernon for Motorcycle service, we headed out last afternoon South on I-5 through Seattle.  Bad timing, we hit rush hour with 5 lanes of traffic.  At least we could take our bikes in the carpool lane, but still stressful.  No more interstates!

Today we will hit the coast and take the pacific coast highway South.  Next stop .... Redwoods!  Foggy and cold this morning though so it could be slow going.  I'm sure the sun will burn off the fog soon.

Just a note on how valuable our Scala Rider G9s have been for us (Bluetooth headsets).  We are able to talk to each other up to 1.5 km away.  This came in handy when we got separated on the I-5 because we kept in contact until we could get back together.  They have also been great to help coach Jada on riding techniques. Last evening, for example, we talked a lot about safe distance, lane position and scanning of the ditches for wildlife.  They also make the ride interesting, because we can talk about what we see.  Sorry for the advertisement, but they really do make a difference.

Gotta run, burning daylight.

Ps. Sorry no pictures today.  Will post some more next time.

The Route

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