Thursday, September 26, 2013

Almost at Guatemala

We are about 5 hours from the Guatemala border this morning. We will see what time we get there and might cross today or tomorrow. 

Yesterday we again got caught in a long line of truckers. This time we heard it was sugar cane producers striking and blockading the road. We again road through the middle of the trucks or on the shoulder to get to our turn off. 

At noonish we pulled over at a small food stand. They made everything from scratch and it tasted awesome. The tortillas were made by hand and served hot. They also made tomales for us which tasted like sweet corn bread. Yum!

Octabio and his family were so nice. We talked for quite a while and they even offered to take us in for the night. We will definitely take them up on it when we come back through. 

A family stopped to look at the bikes because their son is crazy for them. He sure looked thrilled when he got to climb on the bike and we turned it on for him. They just don't seem to have bikes like ours down here. Some sport touring but mostly small dirt bikes. 

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