Sunday, September 22, 2013

2 spa days at hotel Balneario in San Juan Cosala

We spent a couple days waiting for better weather in a little spa hotel on the lake South of Guadalajara. The scenery is gorgeous and the people are really friendly here.

Last night we walked up the mountain about 20 minutes to a high end restaurant for some good food and awesome scenery.  Well what we were told was great food.  Mine was good, but everyone else's was not that great.  Too fancy maybe.  The icing on the cake was Brandon's food.  I though we were ordering pizza with cheese and tomato sauce.  Brandon was so stoked for pizza.  When it got here it looked like this.

And this is what Brandon looked like right as he received it!

So Karen switched with him and she ate it.  She said it was ok (Not as good as her Mahi Mahi would have been).

The view and ambiance were worth the price and the walk for.

The walk back we couldn't help but notice that all the homes in the area were walled and gated with razor wire and broken glass on the tops of the walls.  Kind of freaky considering it is in a gated area already.  Some of the homes were very nice though.

The next day we spent the whole time in the pool and had a blast.

The further South we go, the less and less english is being spoken.  In Mazatlan lots of people spoke english, but not so much here.  Normally cab drivers are safe bets, but again not here.   So when we took a cab to the marina in Chapala to walk around the little shops for the afternoon, it was a little dicey if we were actually going there until we arrived.  Nice little area with lots of people milling about.  We had some lunch at a nice restaurant where Brandon got food adventurous again and had frogs legs.  Chewy chicken is how they tasted.

We walked around the marina where they had some cool areas.

At the end of the day, we took a cab from the marina to Wal-Mart for shoes, stopped for Pizza at dominoes and then also stopped by a roadside fruit stand for berries that Karen has been craving.  A very Mexican day with sprinkles of Canada as well.

Tomorrow we head South for the Coast.  Lets hope that the weather holds up!

1 comment:

  1. When i saw Brandon's Face when he got his "pizza" i almost died with laughter.
