Tuesday, September 24, 2013


Had mucho waiting in lines day today. We started North West of a Mexico City and took toll roads East all day. 

Firstly there was bridge construction that had traffic backed up for 3 km and going at a crawl. We did some Mexican motor biking on the shoulder to get ahead ( very common for bikes here, it is expected). A little freaky for our Canadian sensibilities , but kind of cool all the same. 

Secondly there was a 4 km backup with traffic down to one lane. The culprit? Mexico policiá check stop. Although we didn't see anyone stopped and the policiá were just standing by their cars talking. 

The last line up took the cake though. We got stuck in a line up that was not moving at all. We waited for a while and then did more Mexican biking on the shoulder (both sides) in between trucks and cars. This went on for 8 km and we finally pulled off for gas and a hotel because we were spent. The line was mostly truckers and the hold up was for load inspection (at least that is what we got from a few conversations). Karen was freaked right out doing this for 2-1/2 hours, but Jada and I were cool with it. Many people waved us on through. Others simply nodded when we said our Gracias or Buenos Dias. 

So then we pulled into Orizaba, a fairly big industrial town, looking for a hotel. Our first stop was really nice, but they wanted $300 CDN for the night. They said we needed 2 rooms instead of just one. So on we went to another hotel and got a nice room with 2 beds for about $50 CDN. Much better!

However, the room is right on the main drag and the traffic is still strong writing this. Anyways, time for bed. It looks like another rainy day tomorrow.  Yay!!

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