Friday, September 27, 2013

One more day in Tapachula

Sooo, we started out towards Guatemala after a lazy morning. Karen was feeling a little under the weather (bad tummy).  The only problem was when we got to the border we needed our temporary vehicle import permit canceled out. I thought that would be at the border crossing. Wrong.

So, there we were traveling back road about an hour and a half to get to where we needed to cancel the permit. I was so frustrated because we got different answers from different people about where to go for it. The Information we got when we first got the temporary import permit was wrong, out of date and really really tough to read. We asked 4 or 5 different people where it was and got 5 different answers all dozens of kilometres apart. We finally went through a customs stop and asked them. They were the only ones who really knew. 

By the time we found the place, did our paper work and got back on the road, we were hot tired and pissed off.  So we checked back in the Holiday Inn in Tapachula.   We got our laundry done because some of our wet clothes were starting to stink and grow mould. It's great to have clean clothes again. Pd. now everything is packed in garbage bags to keep dry. 

We will see how the night goes, Karen's tummy is acting up again. We should make the crossing tomorrow and make it at least to Antigua depending on weather. 

Wish us good luck. 

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