Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Mazatlán, a day of rest

Pretty sad when I have to start each blog with, "what day is it today...wednesday?"  Glad the kids know it's Tuesday.

Was a pretty relaxed day today, was pretty happy there was no riding, My ass needed a break!

The weather today was not great....perfect actually.  I am glad to sit and watch thunder storms from the comfort of a resort instead of getting drenched on the bike.  Tropical storm Manuel is coming through Mazatlán.   The rain looks like a nice drizzle, but could not believe how much water is collecting on the streets.  We spent the day getting our laundry done, eating lunch at El Capitanos, swimming in the pool  and Stewart and I buying Cheap Silver wedding rings.  We left our real ones at home......so no more Trolling for us.  I know this is going to sound stupid, but it actually felt really good to get some rings back on our fingers.

I had a blast at El Capitanos!  We spent a couple hours their watching the waves and trying our hand at spanish with the waiter.  He was a great sport.....he really helped me a lot, because in all honesty I really suck!  I ordered my meal in spanish and I did okay....I was like, look at me ordering this awesome meal.  I took a picture of what I ordered.......I normally would never eat a fish with its head and skin still on.....that just grosses me out.     But, I manned up at my error, (ordering in spanish instead of english), and ate my dinner while everyone laughed with me.  I was offered a new meal, but I turned it down, saying I ordered this, I will try my best to eat it......can I have another Corona please!  Oh and I learned how to swear in spanish....guess which one!  Hint....it starts with an "F"  My waiter rocks.....So when this other waiter "Carlos" Drops and breaks a glass, I got permission to say, "Carlos, what the "F"!!!! in Spanish.  Great learning moment for me.    No kids were in the restaurant at the time....just mine, and they are used to me.

It was great being the only people in the pool.  We sat by the wet bar and had a couple drinks, and again trying to speak only spanish to the servers. (they do a lot of explaining to us). I was so thankful Padro was back at work today because I gave him a really bad tip yesterday.  After eating and drinking all afternoon yesterday, Stew let me pay the bill.  I really screwed up and put the tip in dollars instead of Pesos......needles to say Pedro got a .60cent tip.  I apologized for my idiocy, and Stew paid today.....Stew will pay everyday.

Jada and Brandon are doing very well, but are really missing their friends!  It doesn't help that the internet is slow and choppy here.....were glad we have it, but it is VERY slow, and sometimes quits on us.

with that here are some photos from the day.

good night
Karen Adams


  1. Karen and Stew- what an amazing adventure! Will enjoy reading your blog and catching up with you when you return to Calgary...over a couple of glasses of wine?? Louise

  2. Sounds like a wonderful experience so far! Your smiles & twinkles in the eyes say it all in the pictures.
