Friday, September 13, 2013

Santa Rosalia on the Sea of Cortez

So our long day through the desert with iffy gas stops is complete and although it was exhausting, we got to see some pretty cool stuff.  Firstly, the 320 km without gas was uneventful.  We dried out 10.5 litres worth of water bottles and filled them with gas just to be sure we could make it, but never had to use them.  Each of our bikes holds 20 litres.  After the 320 km first leg, I had used 18.5 litres, Jada had used 17.5 litres and Karen had only used 15 litres.  So I can go about 350 km max (with a fully loaded bike).  Jada could go about 375 km and Karen could go around 400 km.

After filling up at Valle Jesús Maria, we headed towards Santa Rosalia through the desert.  The road was fairly straight but had lots of low spots that water flows in when it rains.  A couple of the low spots still had water from the last rain (although it looked like it did not rain in months) and we got soaked going through them.  The water felt so good on our hot legs.  Jada did hit a fairly deep puddle in one of them though.

We came into San Ignacio, which is an oasis in the desert.  Lots of palm trees and a very small lake.  We did not stay long here, because the swimming didn't look too inviting and it was stinking hot.  Cool though.  From here it was about 45 minutes to the coast and Santa Rosalia.  The Sea of cortez was a welcome site, although the water on this side of the peninsula does not come with a cool breeze.

Tomorrow it is South towards Cabo San Lucas, but depending on the heat, we might take a 2 or 3 days to get there.


Heading out of Santa Rosalia, we saw some very cool places that we could have stayed.  

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