Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Tuxtla Gutierrez Mexico

We are in Tuxtla Gutierrez Mexico for the night.

My bike was overheating and so we went very slow on a very nice road with 110 km/hour speed limits.  Getting passed like we were standing still in some spots.  None of our bikes have been up to par since we had the tires and oil changed in Panama City.  Looks like they drained most of the coolant out when they drained the oil and then filled the reservoir up but not the radiator, so the gauge showed coolant, but the system was very close to dry.  Karen's was losing power before once it heated up, so hers is getting checked tomorrow and the coolant will be refilled properly just to be sure it is ok.

We found a good motorbike mechanic here who is making our bikes a priority so we can continue North.  The owners speak great English too, which is a big plus. 

We had more frustration at the Mexico customs, where we had to get our new temporary import permits. It took 3-1/2 hours to get through and then driving at 60-80 km/hr because of my bike made this a very low distance day.  Oh well at least we are at the Gulf of Mexico now and the pay road today was awesome.  Great pavement, 4 lanes and incredible scenery!  Hopefully lots like it from here on in. 

Seriously don't we look thrilled?

Totally torqued.

We stayed in Tapachula last night, which was like returning home (we stayed there for 3 nights on the way down when Karen had tummy troubles). We had our laundry done for us because we were really starting to smell bad. Seriously. 

Working on the bikes.  Checking the coolant actually.  Too bad they filled the reservoirs only.  I thought they were all fine. 
Let's see, what has needed fixing this trip?
- first Jada's accident that got her a new windshield and crash bars
- next her starter that got ripped off on a curb
- karen' flat tire in Honduras
- my friend's accident in Panama with my bike (lots of fixing)
- new air filters
- new regulator and coils for Jada
- new headlights for me (originals burned out)
- recharge of the coolant for all of us
- hopefully nothing more to add to this list until we get back.

The hotel in Tapachula. Jada getting ready for the day.

Remember to enjoy your journey,

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