Thursday, June 5, 2014

Just adding photos

This is Alicia, she owns the hotel/house we stayed at the last two nights.  She has two acres of land, and it is quite beautiful.

Jada studying in bed......we only had sheets to cover air conditioning in these rooms.  Jada loved the fact that the fitted sheet was of Elk, mountains, and snow.

Same room Jada is in, just showing the other side.   We had lots of room in here......plenty of space for the geckos, and ants.  As far as I know, that's the only critters we shared our room with.

Stewart's bike was parked on one side of the door, my bike was parked on the other.   Alicia didn't want us parking out front in case someone did something to our far as am concerned, someone can do us a favor and steal Jada's bike.

Can't steal her bike when Alicia insisted we park it inside her house.   The damn thing doesn't work properly anyway!   Frustration is on high!!!

Stewart spending the whole day working on Jada's bike.   If only we had known of the mechanics that we found today.........we can't "should have" all over ourselves.....but at least it is getting fixed now.

Rosie is by Jada, she is the manager of the hotel.  I'm sitting by Freddy, he is the Gardner.  Lot of work to be done on two acres of all kinds of trees and flowers.  Very nice people.

 This is Terry, Alicia's husband.  He drove Stewart all over the place to get the parts he needed for Jada's bike.  Terry is a Vietnam War Veteran.  It was really interesting looking at all his medals and plaques.  He really didn't talk about the war, but he is still suffering from post traumatic stress.  

Well, it's Thursday morning......Jada's bike is fixed.....way to go Stew, let's get going and head towards Nicaragua.   Time of departure, 6:30 am.  Terry had coffee waiting for us.  Everything seems spot on!

This is what happens when you drop your helmet three times in one day.  Doesn't shut properly, and the face mask goes to the back.  I'll get a new one back in Canada.....for now, it'll do.

Traffic was a little slow, which allowed me to take this shot of Stewart and Jada.  Love the country here, it is so much more beautiful here than in Panama.  Still won't retire here either!!!!
We were traveling for over an hour when something had dropped from Jada's bike.  I stopped to retrieve it, for god knows it could have been something very important.   It turned out to be the "Vulcan" logo from the windshield.  Not important at all....but who knew!   Jada saw that I had stopped, but stayed with Stew.  Stew thought I was just further behind and would catch up.  He had no idea that I had stopped.   I freaked out later because I couldn't find them.  They were waiting for me, but I hadn't travelled far enough to see them.  I had stopped by an intersection not sure if they had gotten off the road or not.  Jada and my Scala's were too far to connect so had no idea where they were.  I waited for a while, then thought maybe they had gotten off the road.  So turned to a New direction.  Realized right away that I was going the wrong way.....they wouldn't have turned off the road without I did a u turn to get back to the road I was on.    Just as I was getting to the spot I had stopped before, I saw Stewart and Jada coming to find me.   Man was I happy to see them!  I felt like puking when I was lost from them.   Stew just smiled and let me know that if I had gone just a little bit further I would have seen them.  But because the road had curved, I didn't go further, in case they had taken another route, I would be easy to see.    Jada had stopped her bike to wait for me.  Started great when they decided to look for me.  When she stopped it again so we could talk, it would not turn over for her.  Needless to say, I had to beep my horn at stew so he would know that Jada's bike wasn't fixed after all.    So we ended up push starting it again, and went a little further up the road for breakfast and a much needed family talk.


It is decided to return to where we had come from.  This time we are a lot closer to San Jose. 
Jada is pretty sad and frustrated with her bike, as are the rest of us.  It is decided that if her bike cannot be fixed, we cut our losses with it, and fly her home.  She needs to write finals and finish her long distance learning for good.  Stewart is trying to navigate our way back, as well, as find the mechanic shop that Ana had sent him.  There is an airport here, so it is a great place to ship Jada off if we need to.   I'm feeling that it is a blessing that her bike quit here again, instead of in Nicaragua.  We are close to an airport, and some cliffs to throw her bike off of.

After breakfast, Jada and I switched out our batteries again, and headed back.  Stew got us to a little mechanic shop, and they actually knew what they were doing.  Checked out everything right quick, said it wasn't the regulator, but rather the coil in the generator.  It will hopefully be up and running by noon tomorrow.  My fingers are crossed it will all work out.  I really have to believe that this will be okay, and we will finally start to move forward.    I would love to phone up the mechanics in Panama City and let them know what useless, unorganized, unknowledgeable, idiots they really are.....these guys have caused us more grief than anything........fricken assholes the lot of them!!!  I hate Panama!

I'll stop my rant, for I really could go on......I'm glad they kicked us out of their country.......assholes!!!!

Okay......I'm done.

Let's see what tomorrow brings us!
And remember......let Stew enjoy the journey!
And......Jada will stop when I do, so Stewart will know that I have I won't get lost again, and almost cry on the side of the road.

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