Sunday, June 15, 2014

Back in Calgary

We flew in to Calgary last night and were exhausted after 18 hours in airports and on airplanes.  It is so good to be back in Canada!!!

We have lots of running around to do over the next few weeks, but still have some traveling left to do for my niece Jennifer's wedding, so I am not back to work until August 25th or so.  My nephew, Adam picked us up from the airport. It took us an hour to go through customs, only because a few planes had landed the same time as us.  Just happy we only had to wait in one line instead of 5 or 6.

Our customs officer was great!  Lots of laughing and sharing of a few stories...what a way to get back!

Here are some pictures of the last couple days.

The view from our hotel in tuxtla Gutierrez Mexico.  Nice place with such nice motorbiking roads.  Too bad my bike only did ~60 km/hr on them.
Jada's regular drill.  Finish biking, shower and do homework.
Grade 11 math.  You know you are a geek when you enjoy helping with math!
The folks at Yamaha Tuxtla.  Francisco (right) was a great mechanic, but could only do so much without Kawasaki parts. 
Juan Carlos helped us so much and is selling our bikes for us.  Just some of the great people we have met on our journey.
Guess what Jada is doing?
The whole crew at Yamaha.  Thanks for the help.
Saying goodbye to old friends.  Kind of teary.

Happier now that we got to the right airport. The travel agent listed the wrong airport on our itinerary and without some research and discussion with the taxi driver, we could have missed our planes.
Much better once in the air.

Deep in thought.  It is tough to leave an unfinished journey.  Someday we will complete our loop.
Mexico City Airport.  This city goes on forever!  And lots of smog.

Last flight of the day.  Felt so good to get back to where English is spoken. It will take some time to break us of using Spanish words to answer questions and say hello/goodbye.

Remember to enjoy your journey,

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