Friday, June 6, 2014

Still in Escazu Costa Rica

Had a nice relaxing morning today.....was a bit anxious about Jada's bike....okay a lot!  Had a great skype conversation with Brandon and Fiona.   Brandon is doing really well, and really happy he isn't with us!

Okay....I'm positive this is our last night here.

We thought the bike would be done at noon.  When we got to the garage, it was still taken apart.
Stew was a little upset, but I was okay with it.  My thought, they are going through everything and making sure it is done right......or, if we wanted it done at noon, it would be done fast, and with problems down the road.   These guys were thorough, and really made sure everything was working when they were done.  We sat in the back and watched them work the whole time.....well, not the whole time, we went for lunch, then had a few games of Yahtzee on the quads that were waiting to be fixed.

A friend of the owner came over and spent some time with us, and showed us some photos of some of the local spiders and snakes here......I was totally grossed out!  There is a cave spider that is huge and looks like it had sex with a scorpion.......ugly!!!  I'm okay with not living here, plus, I never plan to walk into caves.

Basically we were kept busy, and had great conversations with other customers.  These two mechanics worked really hard, and I really hope it all paid off.  We will find out tomorrow!
We left the garage at 5:00 pm.  Stew booked us at another hotel right off the high way we need to take.  We plan on getting up at 4:30, and leaving as soons we see some sun gone by 5 am.   Our plan is to be in Nicaragua in the afternoon.   Thought it would be too long of a day to go to Honduras.    I will be less anxious about Jada's bike, once it goes through a whole day without killing the battery.......we will all be holding our breath a bit.   If her bike doesn't start in the morning, that means it has not been fixed, battery is being drained off something, and we are basically buying her a plane ticket home.   Jada really wants to finish the bike trip with us......hard for her to quit just as we got started.

I am just repeating myself now, so will add some photos of today, and call it a night.

It's noon.....time to go to the garage from our hotel.....hoping the bike will be ready!

How the bike looked when we got in at noon.

Stewart, a little disappointed it wasn't ready........we are all just ready to make a mile!

Jada sitting on one of the quads typing her thoughts on her phone.

Sitting at a beautiful little cafe across from the mechanic shop.

Enjoying an iced coffee while waiting for our lunch.  Loved that they had flowers on the table that looked like tiger Lilly's to me.

Cheers to a day that might not have the kilometers we wanted, but to a time of bonding and reassurance that the worst will hopefully be behind us.

Stew, booking our hotel for the night, and navigating us for tomorrow.  Thank you!  You're awesome!!

While waiting for Jada's bike, the sky opened up......torrential rain....was really happy Jada's bike wasn't ready yet.  By the time it was ready, it was pretty dry again....yeah.

The sign for the mechanic shop we were at.  I highly recommend these guys to anyone driving their bikes through Central America.   We should have gotten our oil changed here.   I know I maybe happy too soon, but, these guys work hard.....and with working on nothing but bikes....My faith in them is pretty high.

Two mechanics are by Jada's bike, the owner is the short guy to the far left, his friend is by me and Jada.  Stewart is in the background......had another one of his friends take the photo.

Almost done....just making sure everything is working......

The owners Motorcross bike.  He was number one in Central America, but is now number two...his son is number one.   And his name is Araya.   I think we came to the right garage!!     Thank you Ana Cecilia for finding this place for us!

We will see what tomorrow will bring us!

Until then......goodnight.

1 comment:

  1. Omg you guys! What an adventure! Well Stu, I golfed with your Dad a few days ago, and we were talking about your guys trip! He's doing good but I'm sure he'll be happy when you are all home!!! I love reading your blog! Good luck on getting through Nic!
