Friday, June 6, 2014

Taking it easy in Escazu Costa Rica

Wasn't sure where we are.  But we are in Escazu Costa Rica.....just sitting in the hotel room waiting for noon to hit, so we can check on the progress of Jada's bike.
I'm hoping as well, that we will be able to chat with Brandon back in Calgary.  He has been finishing up his distance learning courses back home, and writing finals.  I'm really hoping he'll be done by the time we get back!   Will just be Jada still in stress mode for a for now.....studies continually hanging over her head.

So we went for supper at Hooters.  They didn't have salt and pepper wings on the menu, but I had to request it.  Pretty sure they thought I was they were good!   You would have liked this restaurant Brandon......pretty, pretty girls!
Started raining while we were eating, so thought it would be a great idea to go for a swim after supper. I was really hoping for a hot tub.

Got to the pool, it was still coming down pretty good....didn't matter, we were going to get wet anyway....stew and Jada jumped in......they were trying to coax me to jump as well.....but with the chattering of their teeth, I was like......NO WAY!!  They only lasted two minutes in the pool, was pretty cold.   I was disappointed there was no hot tub.  So thought a bath would be okay....was miffed the plug for the tub didn't work.......sigh.......oh well, at least they had hot water....will be going into countries where that won't be an option.......will be quick cold showers after this.  That's if we can get going!

Well, we will see what today brings!

 Stew and Jada, sitting on the deck outside of hooters.  Our hotel is just in the background. 

 Our Costa Rican Hooter Girl.  Spoke a little English, and makes me look so

 Jada and I having a giggle fest, for we had each just burped before the picture was taken.

 Stewart and Jada trying to convince me to jump in......yeah right, looks warm to me!  

 In the Elevator to get to our room so Jada can have a hot shower to warm up.  Wasn't sure if it was safe to get in a closed space with these two.....cold and wet, does not mix good with warm and dry!

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