Friday, June 13, 2014

Flying Home!

It is with heavy hearts that we have decided to fly home from Southern Mexico. 

My bike motor is shot and we are 900 km from the nearest Kawasaki dealer. We could have the local shop rebuild it here in Tuxtla Gutierrez, but it will take a few days to get parts and mucho dineros to repair. Add to that some potential problems getting Jada's bike out of Mexico and the fact that Karen and I will get new bikes soon anyways. Brian Bowes, we should have just sold them to you and flown from Panama, but then you would be dealing with problems and I would feel bad about that. All our problems are based on one bad service at Consultenos in Panama City). 

If we had more time to wait then it would be different, but Jada has to get back to write exams. I seriously think we will be even cash wise. 

The shop that has been helping us is awesome!  If you are ever in Tuxtla and need motorcycle parts or service then go see the Yamaha dealer. Juan and Francisco are excellent people!  Juan is going to try to sell them for us and already had someone looking at them. Just goes to show that there are good people everywhere. 

So we are heading to Walmart to buy a couple luggages because our bike bags have gone to hell as well and will be donated to the Yamaha shop workers. They are actually getting some good stuff and some very used stuff (Jada's jacket with road rash, 7 year old boots worn to the nails, bike tools, old wrecked scratched helmets, etc.).

See you tomorrow Canada!!!

Remember to enjoy your journey,

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