Thursday, June 12, 2014

Another night in Tuxtula

The bikes took longer than I thought, so we are in Tuxtla tonight as well. 

Nothing stopping us from a big km day tomorrow though. Except maybe my bike. 

The mechanic changed the oil, coolant, spark plugs and made sure the air filters were clean. My bike still has less power than before, so we are thinking that the heat cooked/or coated the valves or rings. This is giving compression problems that can't be fixed without a lot of work and Kawasaki parts, which are tough to get here. 

The bike should fo fine until we get home, but will be underpowered a bit. This will slow us down a little. But we will still get home in 8-10 full days. If we hit really bad weather or other problems then it will take longer. 

We are all exhausted from doing nothing. Except Karen she is exhausted from worrying all day. Jada and I were too busy doing math to have time to worry. 

Remember to enjoy your journey,

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