Friday, October 25, 2013

Jada's point of view

Well hello there! Long time no talk. So, where to begin? I don't really know how to start things so I'll just write and you guys will read. Sound fair? Perfect!

Okay, so I had been practicing driving that motorcycle for a year in our neighbourhood before taking this trip. Just a fun fact. Mom and dad had given us lots of advance notice about how they wanted to get down, so I was already learning how to ride my bike. Sure it was scary at first, but I was really getting confident on that bike! I was really nervous about leaving at first, since it would be new territory and I hadn't gone on any trips outside the city. The fastest road I had been on was a 120km/h road, and that was only for about, give or take, 5 kilometres. So yeah, I was nervous. You would be too! But we were off and like any trip we had our good times and our… not so good times.

One of the most memorable events of the trip (though I am sad to say so) was three day into the trip were I had my spill… I was too close to mom and panicked after looking at the view to see her break light. I won't divulge further, seeing as how mom and dad have already put in their two cents about it. Besides I have some awesome battle scars from it! (They are really small… like really, really small.) If anything, I'm glad that happened where it did. I had great emergency care from a helicopter nurse, who happened to be right behind us. What luck! I am deeply indebted to them, and hope they know I will never forget what they did.

 Of course it would have been better if that didn't happen…. but oh well! You win some you lose some. My parents gave me three options: 1. Take moms bike the rest of the way down, and have mom get a new bike. 2. Get a car (brandon was really keen on this one). or 3. Fix the bike and be on our way (which was the most unlikely since my bike was probably totalled off). Needless to say I was upset. I was angry at myself for doing something so stupid! Low and behold the next day my bike is there with very little damage! It was fixed and off we went! Of course I didn't have engine guards on it, so for a few hours I drove on the interstate. Funny how engine guards give you that sense of security. That was put on and we were good to go.

We met back up with Uncle Bob, and his brother. It was a lot of fun driving with them! Even though I had some issues it was still a great way to travel. We walked on the beach by our hotel, and I swear it was like Bamfield all over again (you know what I mean CSS kids). We ran, played, and simply enjoyed the fine weather and refreshing water! One of the best moments of the trip in my opinion. I even scared a poor sea otter. I had no idea it was there! It scared me as well, and I ended up cutting my finger on a rock trying to see it better… wow I am pretty clumsy…

 (Oh yeah, that was fun!)

I broke my starter because I had a brain fart. I actually found it kind of funny, how I was more distraught over damaging my starter, than I was when I acquainted it with the asphalt. We met a really nice guy who fixed it, and changed my parents oil. He was super nice, and was a great mechanic and metal worker! The great thing about bikes is you meet different kinds of people and great new friends.

(Mark is the mechanic who help us. Thanks we owe you one!!!)

We went through the red woods, and dang it was gorgeous! The trees are HUGE!!! Grandfather tree is 1800 years old!! Thats ancient!! We've been in the redwoods before, but that was with a car, so this was totally different! If you disagree, than you my friend have never had the joy of driving without a roof over your head down through amazing trees.

 (See!! I wasn't kidding!)

 (The one log cabin was amazing! surprisingly comfortable to sit it…)

 (Brandon is probably gonna kick my ass, but this was a hat that was just so funny!
He definitely belongs in the 80's!)

(Uncle bob, Gary, and Rita under one of the many trees.)

Soon enough we crossed into mexico. That boarder wasn't so bad… No one was annoying us, or herding us like cattle. So I guess this was one of the best boarders we passed through. But unfortunately we went straight into Tijuana. Good lord! That place is a maze! The roads in mexico were… okay I guess? The topes(Speed bumps) though! My poor bike! I scraped the bottom of it so many times! I actually started standing up off my bike to get the weight off of it. I won't ever complain about any roads!

People say Albertan drivers are bad (No clue what they are talking about.), well after driving with mexicans I say we are the best drivers around! People actually got mad at us when there was traffic and we weren't swerving between vehicles! Sorry but our bikes are rather large and I don't feel like getting run over thank you very much!

We had to stop for a few day in Mazatlan, since we were in the tropical storm Manuel. The streets would flood and with all the pot holes, there was no way i was going to drive through there. We got rained on pretty badly in some places, but still kept going.

Guatemala… How can I describe this country… Well… Oh I know!! It is no doubt the asshole of the world! You get there and the smell of shit invades your nose! That was horrible!!! Not to mention we got stuck in a drive in hotel, where gun shots were heard, and the beds had no sheets or pillows that we clean. Not my idea of a great night! Nothing really significant happened there, well at least none I can think of. But when we were traveling from Guatemala into El Salvador I took a little passenger with me. Thats right guys, I took a little grasshopper across the boarder with me. He just sat there enjoying the ride. Bright green and cute! Of course he ditched me once we got into the boarder! He never even said goodbye! Stupid.

Okay I'm going to skip all this boring stuff!! Boarder crossings sucked! The only one I didn't mind was from honduras into Nicaragua. It was straight to the point and took the least amount of time. It's the second poorest country in central america, but you would never be able to tell! It was beautiful. The roads were amazing, and the greenery was absolutely astounding! Nicaragua, I would go to again, just to see more of what it is like.

Other boarders suck! Never go with anyone who claims they can help you. All they want is your cash, and will screw you over to get it. They are thieves and freakin snakes who don't deserve our time. Yes they usually took up all of the time. Three hours at a boarder crossing because some guys want money. Not worth it.

Finally we found ourselves in Panama!!! Finally a place with good road signs and roads. I didn't have to worry about killing my bike with the big pot holes we had seen in the other countries. It's a four lane highway, and the drivers actually look out for other drivers! I know crazy right! We stayed in David (Day-Veed) for a few days then we left for dad's friends place. Poor brandon the arachnaphobe just had to see the biggest spider they have down here. The wandering spider, you can search it up if you want, but I am so not doing that! Gross! Mom saw a tarantula cross the road and had a panic attack. She was behind me, and I thought something bad had happened to her when I heard her shriek in my ear. Well as you all know, I am now def. Yep thats how loud she shrieked, "AH! THAT WAS A F**KING TARANTULA!!! IT WAS F**KING HUGE!!! STEW! I DONT WANT TO STAY HERE!!!!" Yep. Those were her exact words. We haven't left yet, so I guess you can tell dad calmed her down. It was pretty funny! I wish I got a picture of her panicked face!!

We had taken a wrong turn so I needed brandon to push me backwards so I could turn around. He was by a pillar, panicked and pushed me over! I was not very happy. Dad laughed and yeah. We got there and had a bit of bug trouble. But all of that is fine now.

Oh and mom had another panic attack!!! Yep like a week ago we were sitting in the living room when mom just so happened to look down. Sitting right in the middle of the floor, minding its own business was a scorpion. It was black, and about two inches in length. Mom pulled up her legs and shouted for dad to kill it. He did with her flip flop and picked it up, throwing it away. After it was done mom said good night to us kids and walked into the master bedroom. I laughed so hard when mom shouted out "HOW DID THAT GET IN HERE?! WHAT THE F***!" Can you all guess what moms favourite word is? She sounded so calm when saying good night and like five seconds later she is shouting and panicked. She didn't have a good sleep, and neither did brandon.

Well, i guess thats a recap of all the fun things I can think of at the moment… I had fun on this trip, but sadly my bike won't be coming back to canada with me. I find that unfair and sad! I love my bike! Oh well. I had fun and do not regret doing this at all! I would again, in a heartbeat. I have ten thousand kilometres under my belt, and met many new people who have impacted my life greatly. I miss my friends and family members. Hopefully some of you come down to visit! We would love to have you down into our terrifyingly terrific life of fear and work! Hahaha! This won't be my last blog, but it will be the only one for a while.

I hope I didn't just waste all your time reading this. Well, if you continued reading and it wasted your time then too bad for you! I regret nothing! Talk to you all soon enough! Have fun and keep in touch! bye bye for now!!!



  1. Great read Jada! I had to stop myself from correcting a few syntactical errors, but all in all, you are better at writing than some of my undergrads!



  2. Funny Jada - I hope to see more posts from you - I love the scorpion story too, but im sure if it was me I would be FREAKING out too! One question, how are you getting back?
