Friday, October 4, 2013

We made it to Nicaragua

Border crossing.......can be such a scam!!!!  We found out the hard way that some people really do want to take advantage of you.  As soon as we got to the Honduras Border to leave into Nicaragua, men flocked to us saying they could help us.   After the last two crossings we were determined to do it ourselves.  We did research the night before.  One guy stayed right with us and wouldn't leave us alone.   Stewart flat out told him we didn't want his help, don't need it and we will not pay you.   Long story short, it took about half an hour to leave the Honduras that time we found out that the last guy who took advantage of us, phoned this guy to help us out and scam us out of more money.   Those assholes have connections and make sure to use scare tactics on you.    I am really proud of Stew for standing his ground and putting this guy in his place and getting us through the Nicaragua border stress free.    I mean, getting through the Border of Nicaragua has been great.....never again will we be suckered.

enough of that.............

I love this country!  It is clean, friendly, and absolutely amazing!  The views are something else......I could actually look around at the views when driving instead of concentrating on the road in case theres huge pot holes, or broken pavement or worse big speed bumps, that make you scrape the bottom of your frame.   There are some poor looking areas, but at least they take pride in their homes and yards, very well kept and neat, with no garbage in sight.   They have side walks or walk ways for people instead of them having to walk on the road with traffic.  Another Hazard I didn't have to worry about.

Stew's Plan was to just take our time today and enjoy the ride.  Funny thing happened......Stew passed a semi, Jada and I had to hurry up and pass we passed in a no passing zone going about 110 km to catch up to Stewart.   The police happened to have a speed trap set up.......they pulled all three of us over.  We all got speeding tickets...........we didn't really take our time I guess. (oh, the speed limit was 80 km....isn't that dangerous driving in Canada)
I was a little freaked thinking frick, this is all we need in our file, Jada was totally panicking, this is her very first speeding ticket, in another country to boot, and her drivers licence is a GDL, (graduated drivers Licence), you really don't want points.   The policemen didn't speak any english, and our spanish is exactly fluent......they looked at our drivers licence, told us we pay twenty bucks each we can go.   What a relief......I think we would have gotten our licence taken away plus $180.00 fine each if we were back home.      We really took our time after that......I think we stayed on 80 km the rest of the last hour.

We drove as far as Granada Today.  We got a hotel downtown in the Historic area, very Beautiful.  We got in around 5 and was close to getting dark......Stew and the kids had to go swimming, I just wanted a hot shower!  Last 3 hotels didn't have hot water........

Went to a great little restaurant that I think I could fall in love with.  It was called the Garden Cafe.......had hammocks set up, and tables around a beautiful garden.  Could see myself spending hours in their during the day with a few cups of coffee.  Took a couple of pictures, but because it was so dark out side i don't think it turned out that great.   I plan on taking more pictures of the square tomorrow and will post the pictures later.

With that I will call it a night, our plans are to leave earlier so we can quit earlier........I think we are going to spend another day here before leaving for Costa Rica.

 Part of the Gardens at the Restaurant we ate at last night.  Great relaxing Atmosphere.

 Great Little pool at our hotel.  our own little oasis.

 Jada and Brandon killing time on there electronics before we made them pack up to leave.

The town Square behind us, as well as a huge church.  I am ready for some country life.

1 comment:

  1. Love Brandon's shirt!

    Yes the border crossings are tough.. but you guys are almost there. The Nicaragua one is probably the worst that I have gone through.

    Looks like I may have to bribe a Guatemala Customs Agent tomorrow to let me have 24 hours to drive to Mexico (since they have a strange if 90 days in then a vehicle must stay out of Guatemala for 90 days rule). I will let you guys know.

    Keep up hope, you are almost there!

    FYI, tickets acquired in other countries don't get back to your own government. There isn't a national driving database of any sort.
    Basically they held your license for money. You might should have said "OK. Where do we go to pay the ticket?" and you would have paid the same amount, or they would have just let you go with the Gringo Pass.

