Wednesday, October 2, 2013

San Miguel El Salvador for lunch

Sorry we haven't posted in a while. No internet. We are at McDonalds and have free internet. No time to post much. We will update more when we stop for the night at a hotel with internet. 



  1. Hey Stew and Crew! Wow, I've been trying to comment on your blog for so long, and I think I've finally figured it out. Not as computer saavy as I thought I was, anyways, I've been checking here frequently, and I hope Karen is doing better. You guys have had quite the Adventure so far, but that's what it's all about! I know your Dad has been over to my folks to have them pull it up on the computer for him, so everyone is checking in on you guys, just so you know, keep blogging when you get a chance!

    1. thanks for posting a comment, we really appreciate it. Karen is doing better, the IV really helped her, she needed it to help her body start absorbing nutrients again. She was starting to get dehydrated.
