Thursday, October 10, 2013

Off to Coronada

So, We have had no luck finding a good home by the beach near David.  We are off to Coronado to look for something.  It is a much bigger beach market and close to our friend Kerry's place.

We tried a couple real estate agents here for rentals but they had nothing for us to look at.  The market works differently down here.  There is no MLS or pool of property listings, so you have to go to multiple agents to find something.  There is a site for listings called that has lots of properties, but it is all in Spanish, so it is forcing me to expand my vocabulary again.  There is not much for beach front near David but lots by Coronado.  We have Panama phones now, so we can call about the places and take a look when we get there.

So far Panama has great roads, proper signs, good water (can drink the tap water here) and toilets that you can throw toilet paper in (most Central American countries you have to wipe and put the paper in the garbage - yuck!).  Panama is more expensive than the other countries, but is much closer to Canada's standards.

No pictures from David (we have only hung around downtown), but here is a good picture of Jada from Jaco Costa Rica.  We stopped by the Best Western but they wanted $350 for one night, so we passed by and went to a hotel/villa place called Tangeri and got an ocean front room with pool and free breakfast for $100.  Much better, but still expensive compared to Nicaragua, Honduras, El salvador and Guatemala.

We will post again once we are more settled.

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