Tuesday, November 5, 2013

finally found the swimming hole

Hard to believe we have been here four weeks already!

Stewart ended up flying home to Calgary to pick up Jada and Brandon's school books and computers.  Pretty sad when it was so much cheaper for him to fly, then to have everything shipped up.  The kids were so happy to have their computers back, but not so happy to start the grind of their Alberta Distance Learning assignments……….They are now 2 months behind in school work, so we have them working pretty hard to catch up.   They are doing great with putting 8 to 9 hours of school work in everyday.
So the routine is…..get up at 6:30, go for a walk, Stew and Brandon go to the swimming hole for a brisk swim…..Jada and I still have to try it out, not as brave as the boys……get home, eat breakfast, shower up, and school work begins for the kids, relaxing outside for Stew and I.

The Community Dog, Cisco, has adopted us.  He has been living at our house for a week now. So I bought some more food to have on hand for him.  I find I am getting pretty attached to him, and wouldn't mind bringing him back to Canada to be with Petey.  Stewart won't let me, plus the poor guy would think he went to hell with our winter……..It would be pretty hard for him I am sure.  Plus, Cisco gets around to other families here……..I heard he does this to families he likes……he stays for a few days, then leaves to go visit somewhere else.  Im not sure how long he'll stay with us before he decides to move on to the next family.   We are going to go into town today to buy him a brush, for he is shedding pretty bad, and a flea collar…….

We are meeting some really interesting people here from all over the world, that are calling Santos home now.  We have been to a few different get togethers and have really enjoyed listening to peoples stories and seeing their homes.  They are all different and gorgeous.  

We are known to everyone here as "the Family".  We were the "bikers" at first, but it changed over the weeks…..when I heard that I started laughing…..I almost feel like some sort of mob family…….
The first time we met some of the residents here, they were surprised at how we looked.  For a biker family they were expecting us to be 300 pounds with tattoos all over our bodies.  Funny how people put you in a category……someone had said to me….."you really are not what we expected".  Stewart laughed and said, "oh don't worry, Karen teaches the sailors to talk".

We are having a lot of fun here when we get out and socialize with people……the days in the jungle are little boring because of the school work…..we stick around for the kids.  As a family we really like to do things……but for now that has to wait.

with that, I will sign off for now………  Here are some photos from the swimming hole I took a couple days ago.    

will try and blog next week.

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