Tuesday, September 10, 2013

San Diego - Last day before Mexico

We were going to get up at 4:00 am this morning to beat the morning rush hour in LA, but when 4:00 hit, we all were too tired to get up.  So we slept in and left at 9:00 instead.  The traffic was pretty crowded, but must have been better than rush hour.

We were only on the road for 3 hours today, but it was very busy and we took it slow.  Mentally draining though.  We checked into the La Quinta at the South end of San Diego.  A nice hotel in a good area.  San Diego is very nice.  We did some last running around to Home depot and sports stores.  

Tomorrow is the day that we head South into Mexico!  

We are all excited, but pretty nervous at the same time.  All the blogs say that there will be no real issues, but until we go, we can't know.  Karen is worried about everything, the kids are worried about whether or not there will be nice places to stay and stuff they are familiar with (Brandon is hoping for Dr. Pepper down South).  I am most worried about my Spanish lessons that did not get as far as I would have liked.  We will all find out tomorrow.

Have a great night everyone, we will post again as soon as we are settled in Mexico!


The Route.

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