Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Mount Vernon Washington

Tuesday Already!  Sorry for the late post

On Sunday we left Omak, we road on some really curvy roads through some really great mountain passes.  Stopped at Winthrope for a morning coffee and stretch, and admire this old western town.  Looked a lot like a functioning Heritage Park!  I could get used to a town like this.........someday!

Stewart finally dug out our highway bells to put on our bikes, we got them on in Winthrope and were on our way.......Brandon took some great pictures on the back of Stew's bike, will post.

I think those bells brought us bad luck, after riding for a couple hours Jada had a little bit of trouble! We were rounding a 30 mph curve, when she grabbed too much front brake and dropped the bike.............all is okay....some scratches to Jada and some scratches to the bike (and some torn saddle bags).  The Kawasaki dealership will open today, and we can hopefully be on our way later on......we'll see.

We were really lucky to meet Dan and Bonita, who helped us get the kids and luggage to Mount Vernon so we could figure out how to get Jada's bike back to a Kawasaki dealer.  Stew rode Jada's bike afterwards to get it to a safe place to leave it, so it is ok to drive, but we want to make sure there is nothing wrong that we can't see. Bonita is an emergency helicopter nurse who was so good at checking Jada out to make sure she was ok right afterwards. They are a real testament that there are really good people out there who go out of their way to help someone in need. Thank you both so much!!!!

Ok, Enough about the incident.  It happened, Jada learned something and we met some new friends.

Yesterday (Monday) we doubled up and went to the ferry to tour Port Townsend.  What a nice rustic little town.  A little disappointed that the restaurant didn't have fresh oysters or other ocean fare (other than fish and chips).  Great scenery with a couple really high bridges over the sound that open up all of a sudden for an awesome vista!

Bob, Gary and Rita our travelling companions for the week left yesterday and we will see if we can eventually meet up with them somewhere along the route.  If not, we had already said our goodbyes.  Thanks for all the help!  It was great riding with you.

We'll post again soon,

The Route

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