Sunday, September 29, 2013

Ready to move on from Tapachula

Karen had another rough night of diarea, so we went to the hospital. The doctor put her on intravenous antibiotics and saline. She was in the hospital from 10:00 am until about 8:00 pm. She is feeling much better and is not losing fluid anymore. 

A very nice man who works at the Holiday Inn helped us today on his day off. Socrates came with us to interpret between us and the doctor. He drove us to the hospital and also drove me around for prescriptions. I really hope that we can pay his kindness back some day. He said he wanted to come to Canada some day, so whenever he and his family want to, they are welcome to stay with us as long as they want. 

I can not say enough about the generosity and kindred spirit of Mexicans.   They remind me so much of Canadians. Everyone likes to help out. It is so comforting knowing that there are good people out in the world. Without great people like Socrates, today would have been much tougher. Thank you!!!

Here are some pictures of Karen's day. 
The Hospital / Clinic
Karen's bed / room (with her own bathroom)
The doctor and nurses who helped us today. 

Keep your fingers crossed for us so we can continue our journey tomorrow. 


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