Monday, September 23, 2013


We started the day in San Juan Cosala and hit the toll highway toward Mexico City. We are bypassing the city, but need to go close to it. All was good this morning. We even had subway for lunch. We did hit some pretty big bugs along the way though. 

Soggy, cold and weary when we pulled into Jilotepec this evening.  

We missed the rain for most of the day, but the last 2 hours got us soaked.  Everything is wet!  We even got hailed on for a few minutes.  Yikes! Add to that the fact that apple maps got us lost multiple times today. Time for navigation rant.

We left San Juan Cosala this morning and right off the bat our navigation software (apple maps) missed the turn North.  I stopped and had to do a u-turn on the street.  Then it told me too late to turn right.  Another u-turn.  Then when we were to turn left, it told me too late again, another u-turn. Then not left turn for that road, so another u-turn and then across 2 lanes to make the right turn that I should have made in this first place.  Finally got on the road apple wanted us to and it turned into a gravel road (more like a goat path). Ok another u-turn.  Checking the map, there was another way, so,off we headed and actually hit the right turn this time.  On the major highway, great no more missed directions.

At Atlacomulco we had to get off the highway to another highway.  Followed the apple maps directions, didn't miss a turn and still had to make a u-turn.  Missed the next turn because it looked like  a dirt road, 2 more u-turns.  Found the right road (according to apple) and followed it to a very small town where there were 2 cows walking across Main Street with ropes tied around their necks.  The road thinned out to cobble stones and then dirt.  Another u-turn.  We stopped at a small store as the rain started coming down really hard.  The people were very nice, but spoke not a lick of English. We managed to get directions to Jilotepec with the comment to stop for mas preguntas there (more questions).  Very nice people!

That was the end of using apples automated navigation directions.  Just maps and common sense from here on in.  At one point I was cursing constantly and almost threw my phone in the bush. 

Found a very nice hotel in Jilotepec for $50 CDN. The restaurant was excellent and supper totaled $60 CDN for 4 great meals and 4 drinks.  The people here have been so helpful, nice and talkative.  We just spent about 20 minutes talking to Aurturo and Joel. They did not speak any English, but we managed to talk about travel, motorbikes, Canada, Guatemala and Jilotepec.  It was our best conversation in Spanish so far.  In fact, today no one we met spoke any English except for one lady who knew less English than the Spanish I know.  Thanks Lonely Planet offline translated, you really helped us today!

We will see what the weather holds tomorrow.

Good night all.

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