Friday, August 21, 2015

Stayed at Blind Bay last night

We stayed at good friends last night at Blind Bay. Bill and Evalyn are building an amazing new house on Kootebay Lake. I can't wait to see it when it is done. 

We left this morning to keep ahead of the rain. We pulled into Cranbrook for lunch and decided that the black clouds ahead were a sign to stop for the day. Good thing because it is raining and hailing pretty bad right now. I'm glad we were able to get a room at the Sandman!
The view from our hotel room. 

Here are some pictures from the last few days. 

The kids on the ferry by Nelson. 

Bill relaxing, with the kids swimming in the background. 
Bill, Jerry, Connie and Jada. Good times!

Playing on the rocks with Bently. 

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