Thursday, August 13, 2015

Deace Lake

We had a full day with no rain!!!!

We left Whitehorse this morning at 9 am and holy cow was it cold, but at least it wasn't raining. Great day of driving. We stopped for lunch near the intersection of the Alaska highway and highway 37 at Nugget City. Never stop there!!  It was very expensive for very little and it sucked. 

We headed South into BC towards Deace Lake. The road was narrow and had no lines, but it was beautiful. However, we were just getting out of a slow area behind a big RV when I thought I could see far enough to pass, but as I pulled out, the road dipped, so I braked and pulled back in. Brandon was too close and while braking he hit the back of my bike. He went down. He is okay, with a couple scrapes and his bike is ok (he wasn't going that fast ~20 km/hr).  But it scared him and us. 

We took it much slower after that and when we got to the hotel, we got pizza and beer to calm down. 

Here are some pictures after the crash. 

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