Thursday, April 24, 2014

April 24th

I need to talk about our trip to the Dominican Republic.

It was one of the best holiday's I have ever been on!  Karen and Dave's wedding was beautiful, I was a little stressed with being the photographer....but Karen and Dave are so easy going, they were just thrilled I was able to do this for them.   They took the pressure off, and I had a lot of fun photographing for them.

The week in Punta Cana was full of laughs, drinks, and relaxation by the pool, my body is still trying to recuperate from last week......although I think I maybe back to normal now...maybe!

Stew posted about the stress we had coming back to Panama......I am very happy to say that we were refunded completely!!!!!!!  Talk about relief!!!  I am just glad this is all behind us now.

Stew also talked about how we are driving back to Calgary......i know I had said in my point of view that I was totally done with riding back!   Well, I guess I am a slow learner, for I was the one that suggested we ride back.  Figured it would be great to go full circle.....ride here and back home again.
We know what to expect now, am ready for those 3 hour border crossings, and I don't intend to eat at any road side stands!
Stewart has gotten so much better with his, I just rely on him!  We will see some areas a little better, since near the end of the trip coming to Panama, we just wanted to get to our destination.
We can take our time going, the kids will be done with school, and once we get back into the States we can move a little faster to get home.

Brandon will fly back to Calgary and stay with friends for the month of June.  He doesn't really want to ride back, saying it is more fun to drive than to be a passenger, so when we would talk about the days drive, Brandon felt he couldn't contribute to the conversation......thing is, I thought he could have contributed more, since he didn't have to concentrate on the road, he could look around and see the sights so much better.  Oh well, he can fly home with the school books, and anything else that we don't want to take with us.....driving home, we should be a whole lot lighter than when we arrived.

with that, I will sign off for now, but I will add some photos of Punta Cana and some photo's of Karen and Dave's wedding.


 Hotel in Panama city....spent the day at immigration

 Jada and Brandon being silly at the airport in Panama

 First night in Punta Cana

 Our great Friends...Karen and Dave

 We even have mutual friends...Dave Essiltine, who we knew from Rainbow Lake

Waiting for Karen and Dave to arrive

 Stew and I walked downtown....too far to walk back, we caught a ride
three of us on a motorbike.....I laughed pretty hard

 David's birthday party

 The two Karens'....
 Dave and Stew.....he is in much better shape than when he was in Panama

 My wonderful awesome family!!!  Love you guys!

 Jada and Karen
 the stag,  stagette party

 mother and daughter....having a blast as always together

 Dave, Stew and Karen
 Dave, Me, and our waitress Maria

 The Ladies

 Jada and Karen's daughter Katie

 Karen, Curtis, (karen's Son), and Brandon

 I took over 700 photos of the wedding, only posting a couple

 Mr and Mrs. Fraser

 Karen and Dave

 our waitress, Maria, gave me a necklace

all for now......will have Stew post when we get back from our little mini trip this weekend.

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