Saturday, August 22, 2015

Back home!!

We missed the snow last night, but got to see it on the mountain tops from Radium onward. Just beautiful. Really the best road of the whole trip. 

Glad to be home!

Now to plan the next trip! 😆

Friday, August 21, 2015

Stayed at Blind Bay last night

We stayed at good friends last night at Blind Bay. Bill and Evalyn are building an amazing new house on Kootebay Lake. I can't wait to see it when it is done. 

We left this morning to keep ahead of the rain. We pulled into Cranbrook for lunch and decided that the black clouds ahead were a sign to stop for the day. Good thing because it is raining and hailing pretty bad right now. I'm glad we were able to get a room at the Sandman!
The view from our hotel room. 

Here are some pictures from the last few days. 

The kids on the ferry by Nelson. 

Bill relaxing, with the kids swimming in the background. 
Bill, Jerry, Connie and Jada. Good times!

Playing on the rocks with Bently. 

Monday, August 17, 2015

Kelowna at Good Friends Place

We got into Brian and Deb's place in Kelowna early this afternoon after s nice drive from Valemont. It was super cold this morning until we hit hwy 16 when it warmed up considerably. 

The highway from then on was 120 km/hr posted limit. Karen's bike was too unstable past 135, so we kept the speed reasonable. Our best roads so far and best weather in the afternoon. 

Kelowna is always amazing. Brian and Deb's place is spectacular!  They have a great view of the lake (see day and night pictures below).  We will hang out here tomorrow and get oil changes for all the bikes. Maybe we will do some swimming too. 

Here are our gracious hosts. 
Brian played hooky from work today so he could spend some time with us. Thank Brian!  We really appreciate it. 

Have a great night everyone,

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Valemont for the night

We left Smithers with new tires and headed East. We are only 390km from home, but turning south towards Kelowna to see Brian and Deb for a couple days. Then on to Nelson/Creston to see Bill and Ev for a couple days. Looks like we might be home sometime during the weekend. 

It was a nice but cool day today and I'm hoping for sun tomorrow. Although more sun means an even worse tan line. 

Karen looks way better and more relaxed. 

Here are some other pictures from the last few days. 
Our hotel view in Smithers. 

A nice lake off hwy 37 North of Smithers. 

Saturday, August 15, 2015

New tires

Apparently the road topping in highway 37 eats tires. We had lunch Friday with a couple fellows from Mexico and one of their rear tires was worn to the threads. We looked at our tires and saw that they were worn too, but I figured we had a couple mils on each tire before we needed replacements. I was planning on getting oil changes and tires in Kelowna when we got there. 

However, once we got off hwy 37 and into hwy16, Karen noticed threads on Brandon's tire. We stopped and checked all our tires and now needed 3 rear tires and 2 front tires. Yikes!

We got into the Smithers Harley shop first thing this morning and are in the process of getting the last tire put on. Thank goodness he had the tires we needed in stock. Mike (service manager) said they plan on at least 2 emergency tire changes a day, but today had 10 as of 8:15 am!

I still can't believe the tires wore down so quickly. Oh and I think they are washing the bikes too, which is awesome, because they were all filthy from all the gravel and construction in the rain. 

Hopefully everything is good to go today, so we can get South before the rains come (forecasted to rain again Monday)!

No pictures because the wifi is terrible. 

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Deace Lake

We had a full day with no rain!!!!

We left Whitehorse this morning at 9 am and holy cow was it cold, but at least it wasn't raining. Great day of driving. We stopped for lunch near the intersection of the Alaska highway and highway 37 at Nugget City. Never stop there!!  It was very expensive for very little and it sucked. 

We headed South into BC towards Deace Lake. The road was narrow and had no lines, but it was beautiful. However, we were just getting out of a slow area behind a big RV when I thought I could see far enough to pass, but as I pulled out, the road dipped, so I braked and pulled back in. Brandon was too close and while braking he hit the back of my bike. He went down. He is okay, with a couple scrapes and his bike is ok (he wasn't going that fast ~20 km/hr).  But it scared him and us. 

We took it much slower after that and when we got to the hotel, we got pizza and beer to calm down. 

Here are some pictures after the crash. 

Lazy day

LWe spent a lazy day in Whitehorse today because it rained all day. Tomorrow is supposed to be nice, so we will head South to BC. 

Early beers with my Bonny lass!
Jada and Brandon excited for appies at the Burnt Toast Cafe. 
Waiting for the Frantic Follies cabaret show. 
Playing a song on saws. So cool. 
A fellow negotiating with a lady hanging out at a light post. Seems like it is cheaper down South. 
Hot Can Can girls😍. 
A nice sunset at 10:30 pm. 

Goodnight everyone,