Saturday, February 1, 2014

January 21st fishing and My sister flies in

Busy day today.......

Dropped the kids off at school a half hour early, Stewart and I are going fishing at Lake Guton which feeds the Panama Canal.  Was a pretty windy day, which made that lake very rough.  We had a good day of fishing with catching 30 fish.........but we were told a really good day is catching over 90.  So i guess we had a shitty day.

If there is anybody like me who doesn't like touching fish or the bait you have to try Lake Guton.  The guide put the bate on the hook for me, and when I caught a fish he came running to get it off the kind of fishing!!!!!

Lake Guton feeds the Panama Canal, so when the rainy season is done, the guide has to be extra careful driving the pontoon many huge trees that are generally covered in the water, are just huge stumps sticking out.  It took three years for that lake to fill up and it is really amazing.

There were times a really wanted to jump in and swim, but was a little scared......there are crocodiles in that lake, but they say they are closer to the Panama Canal.   If the guide would have jumped in and swam a little without disappearing, I might have thought about it too.

 The owner on the dock, Stewart and Tim

 One of the many little Islands

 A tiger fish

 Stewart and our Guide, Armondo.

 I m thinking this is one big ass tree since it isn't submerged like all the others.

Every time I dropped my line I was catching fish.... loved it.  Loved it even more that I didn't have to touch them!   I know.......Whimp!  Or as Stew would call me....Princess!

We were out on the lake almost all day, but unfortunately Stew and I had to call an end to it for we had to pick the kids up from school..........of course we were late picking them up, but they are getting used to our tardiness.

Once we were home I had to clean up a bit to drive to Panama City to get my sister from the airport.  Don't think she would have appreciated me smelling of fish and sweat.   Of course I was a little late picking her up as well.  Traffic was pretty heavy getting in, and I was so worked up about getting to her on time, that when I parked the car at the airport, (I didn't really look at where I was), I couldn't find it.   Sharlene asked me what I was driving........white Toyota corolla......the parking lot is filled with White Toyota everything.   I didn't know whether to laugh or key chain didn't have a panic button to press to find the car.........we just walked around for a bit.   I realize know with writing this blog, I must have been pretty tired from my day of fishing, or I just sat in the sun too long and fried my brain.     Thanks Sharlene for not giving me too hard a time for that one!!

We got back to Mira Mar around 11:30 pm, sat on our deck for a bit had a couple glasses of wine, crawled into bed around 12:30 am then I slept like a log.  

Thanks Stew for taking the kids into school all week.........

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