Friday, January 17, 2014


Hope everyone had a merry christmas and a great new year!

Really didn't feel like christmas for us this year, just felt like any other day....which actually is great for us, didn't over eat because I did not bake anything, or cook a big meal for that matter.  Was the perfect christmas for me.

Since we didn't have a pine tree to put up, Stew and the kids made a christmas tree out of lights by designing a tree on the wall.  Pretty funny actually.  We hung 6 ornaments on the ends of the tree, just because.

our charlie brown christmas tree

We had extra lights and were trying to figure out what to make with them.  I tried a snowman, but that didn't work.  So below is what Brandon thought would be great.

I took that down and we made a candy cane instead.  Thought I took a photo of it, but I guess I didn't. 

We Picked up Jada's BF from the airport in Panama on the 29th of December and Jamie stayed with us until the 4th of January.  She got to sleep in the jungle for one night, and then she was helping us move to the ocean condo.  Have not regretted this move at all.  I am totally a beach person, and we are all in the water everyday.

We took Jamie to the Zoo in El Valle, and a day of shopping.  I can't get over how fast her stay with us went.  I am so glad her parents let her come and stay with us......thank you, Jada really appreciated it.   by the Way Jamie, I will send you a photo of my shoes.  LOL.

 this monkey loved Jamie's pets.  I wanted to smuggle her out

 We let the kids order some beverages at woodies bar.

I need to back up just a bit.......
Before Jamie Came, a cousin of mine got in touch with me.  Was great to see Brenda, Carl, and Lilly. They are from Sherwood Park AB.  and Brenda's son Ryan lives in Panama City.  So we met up with them at Boston Pizza, and then they drove to Altos del Maria to visit us.  Was a great time, but unfortunately the power was out at the house the whole time they were with us.  We ate outside in the Dark, with Cell Phones as flashlights.  This was a first for me.  One thing to sit outside with a light on, another with no power.   I really like to see the things that could sneak up on me.  When they left to go back to Panama City, the power came back on within 30 minutes.  
We will see you guys when you come back again.   Thanks for taking the time to visit us.

 Brandon, Jada and Lilly

 Stewart and Carl


That's all I will post as of today.   Our friends Karen and Dave are here to visit us, but there was a bit of an accident.  Will post later today, or tonight........ traveling to ChitrĂ© pretty soon.


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