Sunday, November 17, 2013

Finally had an exciting day today.  With kids doing homework everyday all day we really haven't done a whole bunch.   So there really is no point in posting letting you know we have been sitting on our assess again today.

Thanks to Brian and Jeannette have been really helpful with getting us out.

They took us to Picasso a few weeks back, which is an expat bar.  I promised to take the kids their sometime and I should make good on that promise soon.

We Celebrated Independence day here a week ago at a house up the mountain in Altos Del Maria….great food and wine, and fireworks to end the evening.   Of course I had to be hit by a firework that decided to go off kilter.  Nailed me right in my right thigh…….thank god it hit me there and not in the head.  As well, I was so glad I was wearing jeans….had a nice bruise, and I will now never let my kids buy fire works.

Went to a motor bike Rally today.  Had a lot of fun riding my bike again.  It has been parked for way too long.  Although we didn't go for a long ride, it was still fun to get out.

Brandon didn't want to come out with us, so it was just Stewart, Jada, and Myself.

We met Brian at Sora, (our grocery store here in Altos), and headed to Pio Pio to meet the rest of the scooter gang Brian rides with.  He became a full member today……they presented him with his own vest.  Was really nice.

While we were waiting for everybody else to join us at the restaurant, a bus full of young people stopped to eat, some came to us, and wanted to get some pictures of our bikes and with them on them.  We grabbed their cameras and let them sit on our bikes for a pose.  They were so excited and couldn't believe Jada and I rode these big bikes.  They took a few photos of us with them as well… was really cool.    Need to ride my bike into Coronado more often….having a rental car is great, my bike is better.

Rode our bikes to Punta Chame, which is walking distance to the ocean shore.  The place we went to was quite the party place.  They open it to bikers for one weekend per year only.  There were probably 6 to 8 different gangs….or chapters……or groups…..whatever.    bottom line safe and fun. Biker groups here in Panama need to be licences with Presidents and VPs and have yearly meetings with minutes, like mini corporations.  Most of the bikers in the clubs were just regular people who like to get out for rides.

Stew enjoyed the food that was served but I didn't eat……waited until we went to a restaurant…….I have my reasons.

I plan to take whomever comes to visit us to this Nitro restaurant.  totally amazing……Will always eat their fresh fish of the day sautéed in Garlic butter….yum.

Heading back home my heart broke for this poor Hawk.  I don't know what happened to it, car hitting it, or it hitting a power line, but it had a broken wing and was desperately trying to fly.  I stopped my bike by it trying to figure out how I can grab it, but Stew came on the head set telling me to get going. I had no logical place to put it.  I really hope someone rescued it, or put it out of its misery.  I hate when animals are in pain, or are suffering.   If I would have had the car, that bird would be in our rental house right now.  Not sure if their is a 24 hour animal hospital like Calgary.   Told Stew it would be great to have a recovery place….He then asked me what I would do if someone came in with an injured wild tarantula.  I said I would take it tell them it will be just fine, I'll fix this critter.   Then kill it, or feed it to a predator bird, or whatever eats those things.   I think there are enough ugly critters in the jungle.

We got home from our ride to find Cisco, the community dog, at our doorstep.  Don't know how long he was waiting for us, but we brought him in the house fed and watered him, and he had a nap on the floor for an hour and a half.  Then he wanted out, and I have no idea where he took off too.  Obviously someone has better food than we do.   Glad he stopped in to say hi though….needed his visit to help with the hawk.  Was great.

With that, I will post some pics of today, and of some from Picasso a few weeks ago.
Will try and post in a week instead of two.  Take care everyone……Karen

 At Picasso with Brian and Jeanette….great little bar

 Just had to get my picture taken with these two dashing young men.

 Tarantula on the prowl……gross!

 Stew has Crab!!!!  he didn't catch it from me! found it in the pool.

 walking along the coast in Panama City

 Brandon walking the wall……thought this was a great idea.

 walking the wall with Brandon……until a policeman kicked us off the wall….oops

 Brandon in front of Columbus.

 waiting for Brian at Sora.

My baby girl!

 Stewart, Karen, and Brian

 Brian being presented with his vest.

 Nice Vest Brian!! He is officially apart of the group.

 One of the 12 riders.

 Gathering place by Pio Pio before heading out.

 I finally feel tall!  Jada was called my Mucho Grande Baby!

 bikes parked everywhere

 There were probably 50 bikes here….great to see

 Stew, and Jada

 Stew, Jada, and Brian

 Just some candids.

 Jada, Stew, and I have no idea…lol

 Stew, Jada, and ???….we are all out to just have fun.  Only 3 people spoke english.
Besides us.

 This guy was awesome….giving away shots of Abuelo rum…I brought mine home for later.
No booze for this chicka until the bike gets put away for the day.
When the guy realized Jada was only 16, she wasn't allowed to grab his rum.

 Booze, bikers…..guns….seriously… bad gangs!!

 Jada and I impressed the guys……we were the closest to the circle.
Jada hit it more times than I did….The sight had to be off.

 Eating at Nitro Restaurant, just a minute away from where we were.

good food, great company, no rain, and the blue ocean… is good.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

finally found the swimming hole

Hard to believe we have been here four weeks already!

Stewart ended up flying home to Calgary to pick up Jada and Brandon's school books and computers.  Pretty sad when it was so much cheaper for him to fly, then to have everything shipped up.  The kids were so happy to have their computers back, but not so happy to start the grind of their Alberta Distance Learning assignments……….They are now 2 months behind in school work, so we have them working pretty hard to catch up.   They are doing great with putting 8 to 9 hours of school work in everyday.
So the routine is…..get up at 6:30, go for a walk, Stew and Brandon go to the swimming hole for a brisk swim…..Jada and I still have to try it out, not as brave as the boys……get home, eat breakfast, shower up, and school work begins for the kids, relaxing outside for Stew and I.

The Community Dog, Cisco, has adopted us.  He has been living at our house for a week now. So I bought some more food to have on hand for him.  I find I am getting pretty attached to him, and wouldn't mind bringing him back to Canada to be with Petey.  Stewart won't let me, plus the poor guy would think he went to hell with our winter……..It would be pretty hard for him I am sure.  Plus, Cisco gets around to other families here……..I heard he does this to families he likes……he stays for a few days, then leaves to go visit somewhere else.  Im not sure how long he'll stay with us before he decides to move on to the next family.   We are going to go into town today to buy him a brush, for he is shedding pretty bad, and a flea collar…….

We are meeting some really interesting people here from all over the world, that are calling Santos home now.  We have been to a few different get togethers and have really enjoyed listening to peoples stories and seeing their homes.  They are all different and gorgeous.  

We are known to everyone here as "the Family".  We were the "bikers" at first, but it changed over the weeks…..when I heard that I started laughing…..I almost feel like some sort of mob family…….
The first time we met some of the residents here, they were surprised at how we looked.  For a biker family they were expecting us to be 300 pounds with tattoos all over our bodies.  Funny how people put you in a category……someone had said to me….."you really are not what we expected".  Stewart laughed and said, "oh don't worry, Karen teaches the sailors to talk".

We are having a lot of fun here when we get out and socialize with people……the days in the jungle are little boring because of the school work…..we stick around for the kids.  As a family we really like to do things……but for now that has to wait.

with that, I will sign off for now………  Here are some photos from the swimming hole I took a couple days ago.    

will try and blog next week.