Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Our Trip is Approaching Fast!

The house is rented, the vehicles sold, I've hired my replacement.  I guess that means we can go.

The plan is to leave Calgary on August 30th, travel the ~8,500 km and arrive in Panama sometime in October.  For those who don't know, the Adams' family is taking a year off from Canada.  We are jumping on the motorbikes and driving South to Panama for the year!  Yes the kids are coming too.  Jada (16) has her own bike and Brandon (14) will be on the back of mine.

We plan on seeing Central America as a family and as locals (well as local as you can get in 1 year).  

OK the questions everybody asks:
1. No none of us are sick, dying or having a mid life crisis.
2. We've been planning this for well over a year now, we didn't all of a sudden catch crazy.
3. We chose Panama because it is safe, cheap, good infrastructure (roads, medical care and internet), the weather is awesome and from the folks we've talked to and blogs we've read the people are great!
4. Why are we going? A great chance to have a last family adventure before the kids graduate and start their own adult lives.
5. Yes work knows.  Cenovus has been great about it and will find a spot for me when I return. Thank you incredible Cenovus!
6. What are we going to do down there? Relax, explore, indulge, get back to basics, read, swim, dive, learn to surf, volunteer, learn Spanish, etc. 
7. The kids will  continue with Alberta curriculum while we are down there thanks to Alberta Distance Learning and the Vista Virtual school.  Karen and I only need to give them internet, time and guidance.
8. No we don't know where exactly where we will stay once in Panama.  My friend Kerry has a house near Boquete that we will rent for a month when we get down there so that we can get our bearings and decide where we want to spend the rest of the year. 
9. We are not nuts to drive motorbikes through so many central american countries.  We know the risks, the Canadian consulate numbers and even have some good friends going with us to the tip of the Baja Peninsula.  The most dangerous part of the trip (at least from all the blogs and stories) is the USA Mexico border so thank goodness Bob Schneider will be with us when we cross it.

We will start posting pictures and revised maps as we start down the road.

Adios for now!

1 comment:

  1. Look forward to following the journey Stew! be safe and have a blast! Mike P
