Sunday, June 1, 2014

Overnight in a border town.

Ok, so we got to the border on our way to Costa Rica a little before 9 am (it opens at 8). We got to a checkpoint before the border and were told that our temporary Vehicle Import Permit had expired and we would have to go back to David and pay a fine on Monday (not open today). The customs official lead us to the border, and after him and another person trying to find a way to get us through for about 2-1/2 hours, finally did up some paper work and asked us to return the next day at 8:00 am.  A delay, but no big deal, except that they kept our bikes, keys and registration.  The bikes were not registered, so could not be used.

Plan B has been to stay at a hotel right near the border, that is actually semi nice, clean and cheap with a queen bed for Karen and I and a smaller bed for Jada. We have always said we would avoid border towns, but this one is not too bad.  Both Panama and Costa Rica have similar governmental policies and more importantly the border extends for about 15 km toward the ocean ports and the only thing preventing travel between the 2 countries is a boulevard (there are 2 parallel streets in either country).  People walk back and forth all day and night. So instead of needing to smuggle anything across the border, they just walk it across.  So the system is great at catching honest smugglers, but not anyone who does not want to get caught.

We will see what tomorrow brings.  Maybe we'll get to Costa Rica early, maybe not.

Enjoy the journey,

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