Saturday, February 1, 2014

Sharlene's Week

So.....Sharlene got here on the 21st of Janauary, and left on the 31st.

It was great showing her where we used to live, walking the Jungle with Kerry and our hockey sticks, (we rented his house in the jungle).   And I realize after walking the jungle path with a hockey stick in my hand, I felt a little more confident.  You can kill those nasty looking tarantulas, and when moving the sticks up and down, you can get rid of those spider webs that are across the path.  Although Stew was still getting some on his head......being tall can have its disadvantages.

I am really glad we didn't have to kill any tarantulas, but 3 snakes crossed our path, with one trying as hard as me to get out of the way..........Did not poop my big girl panties, but was pretty darn close!!!

 What I don't want to walk into on the path

 me and my sister

 Karen, Kerry, Sharlene

 Stewart and Kerry

 Kerry and Stew

 Look up....waaaayyyyy up

 suspended of many

 This is a very spiky tree....would hate to be pushed onto this

 Monkey's ladder

 Actually a very pretty caterpillar, just don't touch it....just in case

 looking at a bunch of spiders and their webs in the tree....

by the swimming hole

Next day we hung out at the beach.....was told that President Noriega's beach house was here and we actually walked around and took pictures of it.  When not in ruins, this house would have been pretty amazing.   It was pretty surreal to walk around in the footsteps of an infamous evil dictator.  Locals do not point out this house to was left to be destroyed by time.  Across from his place in the ocean is Farallon Island, where he would actually tie people up in the caves and let the ocean take care of you.  Sharlene and I took a paddle boat out there and went through the caves to the other side where it is open water......tide was starting to come in, so we hurried back through so we wouldn't have had to paddle around.  Once the tide is in, the caves are no longer visible........the horror these people would have gone through.........Noriega served 20 years in the US prison, a couple years in France, and is currently in prison in Panama serving the rest of his life's sentence for crimes against his people.
 bottom level of the three story house

 Farallon Island in the background, view from his upper deck

 top bar and view of the ocean

 The people looted his home of everything....but these two tiles were left.

 The jungle will reclaim

 people using the house as a beach access for trial rides.

Stew and I went back to Chitré to see the police on what we needed to do regarding Dave's accident.
So Sharlene spend the day with the kids on the beach and took them to Woody's by our place. It was a wonderful day for the kids to hang with their Aunt.  And I was glad our visit to ChitrĂ© didn't take all day.  The police told us that they wished everyone was as easy going and friendly in a police station as we were.  The police chief gave Stewart a paratrooper teeshirt, was going to give me one as well but didn't have a small.   Stewart invited a couple of the police officers as well as their families to visit us in Mira Mar......will let you know how that goes!

If the kids had it their way, they would be at Woody's eating Poutine every day.  

Borrowed a boat from our neighbours so Sharlene and I could go to Farallon Island.  Talked about this earlier......this Island does smell like sulfur.....not too bad but tolerable.  took us about 30 minutes to paddle out there, and hung out for a couple hours.  will do this again with Stew.

 Fishing boat or party boat...not sure.

 Sharlene and I paddling out....Mira Mar just to the right

 thought the cross was for remembrance.....but I guess it was up before, has a light on top, and Noriega would light it for the drug smugglers.

 A look at on of the caves in the Island

 Sharlene and I figure these stones were put here for some reason.  there are no other River Rocks in or around this Island at all.......very weird

 Had to hang on to a stone or the water would have taken the boat out

 The other side of the ocean.....


 After a great day of exploring, and playing on the beach, what better way to end the day with a glass of wine or two and a cigar to share with your sister.

 Stew won't smoke them, but he'll buy them for me.

 Our wonderful view

Sharlene and I enjoying our time together.  I look at this picture now and want to cry......I miss you!
Thank you Sharlene for taking the time in your busy schedule to see us.

The next day we got a text message from some really good friends we met who are staying at the end of the beach.  Some fishermen caught a bunch of fish in their nets and were having a hard time pulling it in.  Apparently this was the most fish they had caught in a long time.  Needless to say the birds and the tourists were making it a little difficult for these guys.  Constructions workers even stopped working on a house project to come over and help these guys.  in return, it looked like the construction workers got quit a few fish for there lunch.  was really amazing watching these guys together to get all these fish out of their nets, pack things up and go.  I am really glad that Stew is the only one of us that got shit on.

I am posting more pictures than I am writing....I have to apologize for this, we did so much when Sharlene was here my days literally ran together.  We only relaxed for 3 days on the beach....the rest was go go go.......and Stew and I have to realize, that its okay to just relax with family on the beach....back home there isn't much relaxing for you guys, your busy with your own hectic schedules...and we have to realize that visiting us is your down time.  I think this is why Sharlene's time with us seemed to go so fast.  

After watching the fishermen, we went to Ross and Deborah's place for coffee.  Stew and I plan on visiting them often, they are here for 3 months from Regina and they brought their daughter here with them.  Allissa is 23 and really likes Jada and Brandon.  With my kids spending time with Allissa, hopefully Ross and Deb can spend more time with just each other.  Deb also has a paddle board, and this is something I want to be doing a lot of.  Deb was teaching us how to use the board and I really enjoyed it.  This would be something that I would invest in if we never moved back.

 Ross and Deb

 Allissa and Ross, her dad

 Sharlene taking lessons from deb.

 Pretty good

 Stewart did very well on his knees.  Standing was not so good.  

 I should have let him keep trying, but couldn't resist swimming out and kicking him off the board

Sharlene's last day at Mira Mar.  We watched the sun rise over Torture Island, aka Farallon Island, while enjoying our coffee.  When Stew left to take the kids to school, Sharlene and I walked the beach to collect shells for her to take home.  All I could think of is that I couldn't believe her trip with us was over already.  I didn't want this day to come to an end.  We walked toward the river that enters the ocean, sharlene walked across that, and I was pretty surprised at how much lower it had gotten.  Last time I walked toward the river it was up to a guys chest.  I still won't cross it.......just because, no other reason than that......

We left for Panama City after supper.  Sharlene and I stayed at the Marriott 10 minutes away from the airport.  Got in quite late, but still had time for some appetizers and a whiskey before calling it a night.

The next day January 31 I took my sis to the airport.  got her there at 7:15 so she would have time to check in and we could spend some more time together before her departure at 10.  I was pissed off and surprised when an airport worker informed me that I could not stand with her in line and I had to leave.  I think that is why it was so hard for me and Sharlene to say goodbye to each other, I wasn't ready to leave and let her go, plus I wasn't sure if she would get arrested for taking shells.

Hugging you in that line and walking away was hard......I cried, and cried even harder once I was in the confines of my car, knowing no one would be watching me being a big baby.  September seems like a long time away to see you and the rest of the family again.  But I know our adventure will be done in the blink of an eye, and I will be wondering where the hell the time went, and I am so grateful that you, Sharlene, could share in this wonderful experience with us.

Til next time.......

 Sunrise over Farallon Island

 Sharlene enjoying my amazing coffee making skills with a touch of baileys.

 Walking towards the fresh water river that flows into the ocean

 Love this one shot of you

 One of the locals

 Another local sand crab

Cooling my feet off after our walk on the beach.   Hot tub is really a cold tub.

Karen Adams

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