Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Panama at last!!!

We finally made it to Panama!!!!

We were up early this morning in Jaco, Costa Rica and decided to head South and see how the day went.  The roads in Costa Rica were ok for the most part, but started getting pretty bad the last 50 km to the border.  We got to the border around noon and it took another three hours to get through the border.  Thank goodness we have no more borders to cross.

After the border we got on the Panamerican highway, which is a proper 4 lane highway in very good shape.  We headed in to David and called it a day at a hotel downtown. The staff is really great here and have helped us contact a realtor to look at places to rent tomorrow.   We are going to check it out here and then head closer to Panama City (but still well outside the city itself).  We want to know what options are out there for us.  Highlights of David include drinkable tap water (have not chanced it anywhere South of San Diego). And streets that feel safe.  There is a beach nearby and it is close to the mountains where they grow most of the fruits and vegetables.

Our Spanish is improving, but still needs lots of practice.  We all ordered in Spanish and actually got what we wanted!  The real test will be tomorrow when looking at properties.

If you wondered what your hands would look like if you wore shorty gloves for 1 month straight every day, then look at Karen's hands below.  The half moon spots are the holes in the gloves that let them breathe.  We didn't think our fingers were tanning, but the picture shows otherwise.

Oh, and just because it is too cool to pass up.  Below is an ATM receipt we got in Costa Rica. That is right, we keep a few million bucks in our account just in case.  I won't tell you the exchange rate and whether it is Canadian dollars or Costa Rican colonies either.

1 comment:

  1. I only wear gloves half of the time while I am riding, and now when I touch my face it looks like a Latino man is caressing me.

    I need to use more sunblock on my hands.. or wear my gloves.
