Saturday, March 1, 2014

The last leg of February

Kinda hard to start writing again after letting your spouse do it.
I may repeat some things, and with that I will apologize.

I will start around the week of february 9th.

I won't go into too much detail on some things, being that Stewart already blogged about his sister and Brother in law coming to see us.  While they were here we also met Kelly and Tosh, (niece and her husband of really good friends, Ross and Deb).

I am kicking myself for not getting more pics of these two to put on here......they were both so funny, and kind, and I am so glad I had become such good friends with these two.  When Stewart took Nan and Bob 6 hours away to see some other friends, I hung out with Ross, Deb, Kelly and Tosh.  They made my day fly by.  In the evening they took Jada a Brandon to Woody's for a couple drinks.  It was great for both the kids to hang with other Adults other than Stew or myself......they got to really let loose without mom or dad scowling at them.  LOl...........thanks you two!  wish you were still here in Panama.  Tried to download some of the photos Kelly took to put on this blog, but can't seem to get it done......if I figure it out, will put some of her photos on here.

What I do have is some photos of Stewart, Brandon, and Tosh playing soccer with the construction workers on their break.  Fun was had by all, and I know they toned it down a lot for Stewart and Brandon.  Tosh obviously played before.

 Stewart and Brandon far right, Tosh, the other white guy.

 Tosh ready for the kick.

February 13th.

Stew had prebooked a two hour horse ride for Jada and myself.
Was a lot of fun, but, being that the stirrups were a little long, my butt hurt for a few days after......Dad, you will know exactly how i felt, you witnessed my sore bottom when I rode with you 6 years back.
I could at least sit down....very slowly, but was no where near as sore as when I rode with my father all day.   I never stopped to shorten the stirrups because they couldn't be shortened.  you make due with what you have here.
Loved that Stew did this for his girls, for he knows how much we love horses.  I would move here just to rescue some of them.......people who live near the beach seem to have skinnier most cases starving horses.  Broke my heart when I saw one horse that was basically skin and bone.  I could see the bones sticking out of its ass.........very appalled by this.
Will get off this subject now because it just depresses me.  But here are some photos of Jada and I.

 Jada's horse is 6, my horse is 4.  

 As you can see, there is not a lot of fat on these horses.  

 But these horses are loved by their owner.....
 he takes his horse to the ocean in the morning and swims with him, kisses him.
really nice to watch.

We rode by the ocean, pasture land, and you can see, being the dry season, not a lot of nutrition in the grass.

Again, Stewart blogged about Valentines Day and my birthday, so will just skip to February 22nd.

Our Anniversary!!!
Wow.......17 married years together and we are still going strong!!!!  Love living my life with this adventurous, caring, giving, strong willed, stubborn, sometimes I want to!!!!  I know there are days when he could strangle me too.......not that many though, I am perfect!!!!

So on our 17th year together, we decide to go paddle Boarding again to Farallon Island.  I was still nervous about being caught in the wind and waves, but really became more aware of my surroundings.......wind.  If it picked up just a little, I was going to bee line right back to shore.  I have a huge amount of respect for the ocean, and realize it can change so not as forgiving as a lake.    I over came my fear, and was so glad I went out again.  It should get easier each time I go out.

When I went out a few weeks back with Deb to Farallon Island, we saw over a hundred stingray.  They say the come here with the Humbolt current and stay for the month of February.  Deb and I really lucked out that day, because no matter how many mornings we go out, we don't see them they way Deb and I had seen them.  Stew finally got to see one a few days back.

When We, (Stewart and I), went out that day, the tide was too high.  I couldn't even see the bottom of the ocean........and by farallon Island you can spend hours watching the bottom of the ocean.

When Sharlene and I went to Farallon Island we Kayaked through the tunnels.....the following pictures will give you an Idea of how high the tide was......the tunnels were completely covered.

 By Farallon island....cave is straight left of me.

 Stewart.....a little light sensitive.

 Farallon Island, and Stew

 The cave that Sharlene and I went through.....doesn't look like a cave or tunnel at all.

 Starting to paddle pack......waves started getting a little bigger as well as the wind was starting to pick up a bit.

 Relaxing by Deb's pool.....

 Stew and Ross

 Our wonderful friends from Regina....Ross and Deb.

 17 years............

Ross, Deb, and Stew....oh and me!

So that day consisted of just relaxing at home and having the kids do everything for you.....they even made us dinner..........

 and boy was it good.

Later in the evening we had our daily meeting with our other great friends Bill and Evelyne from Calgary......they own in the Condo we are renting.  They are great Neighbours and have us laughing all the what better way to celebrate our day then to go out for supper with our close friends........Debrah, Ross, Bill, Evelyne.
Our other friends we met in Altos just couldn't make it.......

 Jada and Brandon in deep conversation.

 Deb, Ross and Stewart

 Bill, Karen, Evelyne.

 Oh my wonderful children.....I mean teenagers

Photo before heading home.....10pm is pretty late for my old

Actually leaving early from Picasso was a good thing......I was going to go on a little excursion of my own the next day with a couple other women......Jennifer and her friend Lee.
we were going to Gamboa which is really close to Panama City.

Gamboa Rainforest Excursion.

Stewart Drove me to Pio Pio in Bejuco, which is closer to Alto Del Maria where we used to live.....I did not want to leave my motor bike unattended for a long period of time in a Pio Pio parking lot, which is why I had Stewart drive me.....Shorten the story up a bit, Jen drove myself and Lee to on a chartered boat to a little house boat on Lake Gatun.

Once we got there, you can choose to go swimming, Kayaking, or fishing.  Since I had gone fishing a couple times already, I decided to go Kayaking.  You Kayak for a couple hours, spend some time by a water fall and swim in the little pond.....I didn't surprise there since I never swam in the swimming hole in Altos......The water was not as clear as Altos, and with more Crocs there, I didn't feel comfortable......other people swam, which was great.......I was just watching to see if anyone would disappear.

The one thing about Kayaking, they wouldn't let you go by yourself.....luckily there was another three some touring as well and was wanting to Kayak.  So I had the privilege of meeting three young ladies from the States.  Kristen and her sister Jenna, and there friend Alexi.

Thank you Alexi for being my Kayaking Partner......I had a lot of laughs with these girls, and they were braver than I was for swimming in the swimming hole......They even held the Python that lives on board the house boat, as well as the baby Croc.    Just couldn't do it.   I am sure "Carl", the owner of the Rainforest tours, day was made with you three........You guys need to check his web site, I am sure you will be on it.  

On our way back from his house boat, AKA, Gamboa rainforest tours, we were on the look out for Crocodiles, and told the history of some of the Islands on Gatun lake, as well as feeding some of the wild monkeys.....not too wild since we can feed them.....just can't pet them.   I was pretty impressed with everything, and plan to bring Stewart, and the kids on this little adventure.   Jen, was a little disappointed with the trip, for she had done this before, and informed me and Lee that Carl, the owner and other tour guide, is so much more informative and funny.
So maybe I'll request Carl for next time.

Traffic was unbelievably busy going some areas they made 3 lanes of traffic, being they closed one of our lanes heading what would be a typical 2 lane highway, was 3 way going East, one going west........Pretty dangerous for those going west......if you didn't know one lane was closed you would have a head on collision.

So Jen, Lee, and I went to Punta Chame to spend the night.  The hotel room was a little small, but we paid for the pool side access, and atmosphere.  Had a great Supper at Casa Amarilla.  Yellow house.

I really enjoyed my girls day out......I may have to do something with just my Daughter.....Although we always have fun with the boys.

 Lee and Jennifer

 Lee and Karen

 A little river to access the house boat

 Alexi in the front of our Kayak

 Alexi, Jenna in front, with her sister Kristen.

 The swimming hole, with a very little water fall

 getting ready to head back.  Jennifer, Lee and Karen

 Not allowed to use these little campsites anymore.
no trespassing

 wanted a banana more than a peanut

 Lizard hanging from a branch.....i only know these guys as the Jesus lizards, they can run on water

 Had to get a shot of these guys...doing a documentary....eye candy! 
could not look away from these strong men.

 nice kayak

 Cars coming into Panama lane for those of us heading out of Panama City

 Craaaazzzyyy.....only in Panama

Supper with Lee, and Jenn at Casa Amerilla.
I think this was the best food ever!!!!  we all had a 3 course meal, plus drinks all of $80.
Yum........going again.

Well, this about sums up February..........
I should say one more thing.......the kids are doing well in School.....loving a change in atmosphere to do their school work.  they have made great friends their own age, and Jada has been working really hard on catching up, finishing courses on time, and writing midterms and finals all in the same day.
She has been riding her motorbike 40 minutes away to school and doubling her brother.....they love having the freedom, and she calls every time she arrives to school and when she is leaving.....this as well gives stew and I the freedom to be tardy a little more as well.......
Now that the kids are caught up more, I plan on making them enjoy the beach as much as I am......they still look white.

Until next post.......
Karen Adams